Deepolis Wiki

The Warmaran is the Elite submarine of the Nauts. It costs 99 000 Helix and is available in the marina for auction. It is unlocked from level 1 and is the most powerful submarine, rivaled by the Skonos in terms of hull.


The warmaran is the most powerful sub in the nauts arsenal next to the naskaar mystery subs. Running a stock configuration, it can go against a skonos and win


  • sonic cannons :110
  • turbine slots : 100
  • sentrys: 10
  • cargo expanders: 100
  • hull slots : 110
  • nanogens : 6
  • h/sp stock : 60,000
  • speed stock : 1000
  • cargo stock : 500
  • price 99,000 helix or what ever you bid at the marina. it cost 700 heilx to repair 25% hp